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Very cool game as usual guys. Played it at Geekfest and thought I had a good high score until a kid sat down after me and destroyed it! :C

I love these kinds of dual-control games, really tests reflexes and keeping track of things in your peripheral vision. Were the shown videos actual videos being played, or animated sprites? I hadn't thought to show video like that in a game, really nice touch!

And of course yeah the music and cohesive style/presentation was top-notch. Awesome work!

Thank you~! I really wanted to keep the scope small for this game and work on polishing it as much as possible - I'm glad that came through!

The videos were prerecorded and cast to a SpriteRenderer using Unity's VideoPlayer Component - *I definitely didnt go down a rabbit hole for half a week trying to get the fragments to keep playing the video after they shatteredd.... defffinitely not*


I feel attacked 😭

The soundtrack is a bop! It helps a lot in getting you into focus (or into the beat!). The art and visual effects complimented the gameplay and the overall presentation very well. Very cool game!


Cheers! The music is so good, I'm so glad when we're able to find some awesome tracks on OpenGameArt~